- About Us -
重庆市南迪火花塞制造有限公司成立于1992年,是一家 以产研销一体化、年销量达3000余万支的专业制造火花塞的 高新技术企业,我们在改革开放的巨大浪潮下,不畏艰辛, 砥砺前行,在历经二十余年的艰苦创业和不断发展后,现已 成为各大摩托车、通用机械、汽车火花塞的专业配套生产厂 家,我们的产品并远销东南亚、非洲、欧洲及美洲。
Chongqing Nandi Spark Plug Manufacturing Co., Ltd. was established in 1992. It is a high-tech enterprise specialized in manufacturing spark plugs with the integration of production, research and marketing, and annual sales of more than 30 million. We are not afraid of hardships under the huge wave of reform and opening up. After more than 20 years of hard work and continuous development, it has become a professional supporting manufacturer of motorcycles, general machinery, and automobile spark plugs. Our products are exported to Southeast Asia, Africa, Europe and the Americas.